Today I went to Wal-Mart in search of someone to pray for. I know how unbelievable it sounds when I say that God sent me somewhere but, I'm telling you, He does. As often as I try to explain it away, it's just true. I didn't need to buy anything at Wal-Mart. As a matter of fact, I hate going there. To go there when I don't even need anything? That's asking a lot, Jesus. But I go... because I'm seriously on pins and needles to see who will get healed, or forgiven, or blessed just because the Holy Spirit lives in me.
I know I've said this a lot but, my life is just so messy right now. As I pull into the parking lot I'm just heartsick at how broken everything is. I look around and people are just going on about their business as usual. Everything around me is falling apart and these people are just putting their groceries in their trunk, or parking like it's some kind of normal day. But in that moment God gave me a glimpse of what He sees in that parking lot. How many of these people were walking around with broken hearts like me? More importantly, how many of them don't know that He is the Great Comforter?
I have to tell them.
So I get out of the car and head inside finding that I too, look as if I'm having a normal day. Sigh... Ok Jesus, one moment at a time.
As I walk inside I feel led to the clothing section. As soon as I step into the racks I see a woman who works there, organizing shirts. I ask her if I can pray and she agrees. Her name is Sara and after a few moments of questions she tells me that she needs a new title for her car. I remind her that in the bible, God kept his promises to Sarah and it is no accident that He named her after a woman of great faith. We prayed for the title to her car, I spoke against the Enemy and asked that God would give his daughter what she needs to drive her car legally.
Lesson Learned: I live in the DEEP south so, everyone around here claims to be a christian. However, I know that the majority of people I'm praying for do not have a relationship with the Lord. I mean a call on Him daily, lean on Him in trouble, trust Him with their life kind of relationship. I'd like to find the right words to get to the heart of this during my short interaction. Should I just come out and ask directly? My mom would just ask people straight up "What's your prayer life like?" because she's bold and courageous. Can I say that??? lol, Anyway, I'm praying through this.