Driving home from my kid's theater practice I feel the Lord nudge me to stop at the Texaco for gas. I second guess, I think "I can just go to Kroger later." And then I remember the parking lot prayer and I pull in to get gas. I get out of the car and see a man walking from the store to his car. I stop him and ask if I can pray for him and he said no! I didn't even offer with "you can say no." and he just said no thank you. So, I think that's my answer to yesterday's question. If someone says I can pray I'm going to take that yes and run without second guessing if they really want prayer.
Elizabeth is a cashier at the Texaco. I asked her if I could pray and she readily agreed. She asked me to pray for her to have strength so, I did. I think my lesson for today is to speak slower. I tend to stutter and miss things because I don't want it to get awkward. If I can force myself to speak slower and give myself permission to take longer, I think I could see some real stuff happen.
Elizabeth was blessed. She thanked me and said it really made her feel so much better. Praise God!