Side Note: I'm terrible at understanding people when they speak. I have to ask for someone's name at least twice because I don't know what they said the first time. Is that just me? Do people mumble? Or do I just stop listening after I ask for their name?
I went out to hunt down my stranger for the day and the Lord told me to go to Love's gas station. I grabbed my debit card for gas and headed out. Love's is not my closest gas station so I knew it was God who was sending me there because I could have just gone to the Shell for gas.
I pull into the parking lost and there is not even one car parked at a single pump at Love's. I don't think I've ever seen that. It's 8pm, this gas station is right on the I-20/I-55 intersection, the rapture has not happened... where are all the people?? I swipe my card and quickly realize that my gas pump is messed up and I can't read any of the lettering on the credit card reader. I'm forced to go inside.
Ok, Jesus. Who?
A man holds the door for me and I thank him. He then walks straight to the register without buying anything just like I do. He obviously isn't getting gas, he's filling up a propane tank. So I figure I'll just ask to pray.
He agrees and tells me his name is Lee. He doesn't need anything specific prayed for but I felt the Lord tell me to pray over his finances. So, I did. I also cancel any work of the Enemy on his job and in his home in Jesus name.
When I'm finished praying Lee thanks me and I tell him "If you get any financial blessings this week I want you to remember this night and know how much God loves you and wants to know you deeply." He assured me that he would and I moved forward to pay for my gas.
As I have looked back on the last two weeks of prayers for strangers I feel like I've been missing something. Tonight I think I found it. Several (if not all) of these strangers have been hand picked by God. This means the Creator of the Universe wants to do something specific in each of these lives. That's kind of huge!
Lesson Learned: Start telling people when God sends me directly to them. Make sure they know that He has something specific for them.