Twenty three days in, I think we all now realize I go to Kroger every day. If I'm being brutally honest, I don't learn people's names. Does that make me a bad christian? yes. Yes it does. I didn't actually realize how shameful it is until today.
Ashley is a night manager at Kroger. She regularly works as a cashier and she is always super friendly. Now remember, I go in there EVERY day. Seriously, these folks know me. They greet me like a friend. They have an intimate knowledge of the trash I'm feeding my kids because they ring it up regularly. Today was the first time I have ever asked her name, or even noticed that she had a name.
I stopped her on my way into the store and asked her if I could pray. When I asked what she needed prayer for she said she needed some money. No problem, I've become a master at praying for finances. So I start praying and the Lord just overwhelms my heart with His love for her. He just treasures her and just can't wait until the next time He gets to hear from her. It was beautiful.
I prayed for her finances. I asked for a raise and a promotion. I prayed that her bills in February would be lower and that every time she opened a bill and realized it was smaller she would think of how much her Father loved her.
Y'all I am so inwardly focused all the time. Sure I'll have a conversation with the cashier about the kids or an unusual item that I'm buying but I have never even noticed her name. I gotta pick my head up and look around and see God's kids. After today I will never forget her name. I'm totally going to follow up in February and see if her bills are lower. #Updates