Day six. I met Sandra in the cart corral at WalMart. She was walking into the store and when I turned and saw her bright pink shirt I just knew I had to pray for her. She immediately lit up as soon as I asked to pray and the first thing she said was "I have cancer! My husband just found out today that he has cancer too, in his eye!"
As we continued talking she told me that she is a believer and she is actually coming to Walmart to pick up some snacks for a prayer meeting that she was going to afterward. I prayed for her and her husband and asked that God would amaze the doctors by healing them both without explanation.
When I finished praying she told me that God had given her a verse, Romans 12:12 "Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying." I shared with her that God had also given me a verse, James 1:22, and that's why I'm praying for her... because I'm being a doer and not just a hearer only.
She said she had been fighting against doing something that God has been telling her to do for a long time and that hearing from me was probably the push that she needed to be a doer too. I suddenly stopped her and knew exactly why I was praying for her. This is what God told me to tell her.
"This cancer does not dictate your life. It does not get to end your ministry just because it exists. You aren't dead yet so, until you're in heaven you have to keep being obedient to the Father. If this sickness must take your body, do not let it take anything else from you. Only God knows what you're capable of so, if He tells you to do something you have to trust that you can do it."
By the end, we were both crying and we still had to do all of our shopping!