Can I just be real? My day was trash. If I sat down and wrote out the absolute worst day ever, my imagination could not think up a day worse than today. I want to just escape from everything but there's literally no where that I could go to get away from what a huge pile of garbage this day has been.
Katie's day was worse than mine.
I met her outside of the courthouse where I was having my tag renewed. She was cleaning the building in an orange jumpsuit along with 6-7 other women. I'm not sure which jail she is in but, I guess they have inmates clean the courthouse. I approached the group of women and told them about my goal to pray for one stranger every day. Katie jumped up immediately and asked for prayer. I asked if she had anything specific that she needed prayer for and she said "just everything."
As the other inmates watched, I prayed. While I was praying, I called her a princess. I called her beloved. I told her that she was hidden in God's arms and that He calls her His daughter.
And I realized that I walk in that truth every day. I know who I am and whose I am. On my very worst day, I'm royalty. The day that I call garbage would be a literal miracle for Katie right now. And not even one time does the Father call me ungrateful.