Alicia and I met in a waiting room. She told me that her mother has the beginning signs of dementia and that her mother's sister has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The sister lives in Florida and has children to take care of her. Alicia's mother lives with her and she is the full time caretaker. She struggles daily with caring for her mother and all that comes with that. Financially and emotionally caring for someone who is slowly forgetting everything they've ever known is taxing.
I could see from her face that she was weary from doing so much. When we prayed I asked God for a fresh wave of endurance and energy. For Alicia's mother to sleep well every night so that she can do the same. I asked the Holy Spirit to come into her home and bring peace and comfort to both women during this taxing time. I remembered the promise in the bible where God says you will have a long life if you honor your father and mother so I just spoke that over Alicia and blessed her for what she was doing for her mom.
I prayed over Alicia's aunt and her family. That this diagnosis would come with as little heartbreak as possible. That her aunt would not be required to go a long time without knowing her loved ones and that her children would be able to have as much time as possible with their mother. I prayed for a cure for Alzheimer's. & just thanked God for these two women who have lived long enough to love their children into adulthood.
When we finished praying Alicia was so thankful that she hugged me. She said "I really needed that today." :) I gave her a few more encouraging words about how much the Lord loves her and wants to know her more and then we parted ways.