Elizabeth was walking by as I put a book in the return box at the library. I asked if I could pray and she said "Oh yes, you've asked the right person. I really need it." I asked for more details and she said she's been having some health problems. Her back was hurting and she had some other major issues.
Before I prayed I felt like the Lord was showing me that she had a problem with addiction. There wasn't anything specific that led me to that conclusion. As in, she didn't have any typical signs of drug use. But, I just felt that she was fighting to break free from something that had held her for a long time. Since I didn't have a relationship with her and she didn't offer any of that information to me, I chose not to share what I felt the Lord was saying to me. It's a very tricky situation because what if my saying something about this led her to salvation? But, it just didn't feel like the right moment.
Instead, I prayed over the pain in her back and for the Spirit of God to bring freedom from everything that holds her captive. When we finished praying I asked her how her back was feeling and she said it felt good but it typically hurts worse later in the evening so she wasn't sure how it would feel later that day. So, I'm continuing to pray tonight that her back pain would be healed and that she will know the truth that sets her free.