Today I took specific time at home to pray about my stranger for the day. I felt like the Lord asked me to go to WalMart so, that's what I did. As I was walking through the store I remembered that I needed coffee. So I headed to the coffee aisle to check out the newest Keurig options. They have a hilarious box of Death Wish Coffee that I'm going to have to try. As I was scanning the options, a woman walked up behind me so I asked her if I could pray.
Initially her face looked like she was going to tell me no. I smiled hoping to make her feel like I wasn't completely creepy. Suddenly, she started to cry. Not just a little crying but, a lot. Big huge tears of grief just rolled down her cheeks. She told me that she really needed prayer and that it is actually her daughter, Kristen who is sick. Kristen has cystic fibrosis and is partially deaf, almost blind, and struggles to live her daily life. She is 39 and her mother cares for her 24 hours a day.
I really don't know anything about cystic fibrosis. But, this mama was so tired and worn down that she just fell into my arms and sobbed while I prayed. Right in the middle of the coffee aisle at WalMart. When I finished praying she took a deep breath and I told her that God specifically sent me to pray for her because he sees her and he loves her so much. After that realization, she asked me to come with her. Kristen was in the store and shopping on a different aisle and she wanted me to meet her.
A few rows down, Kristen was in a motorized wheel chair looking through the grocery options. I introduced myself and asked if I could pray for her. She agreed and we held hands while I prayed over her body for healing. Her mama stood to the side and cried while we prayed. Kristen asked me where I came from, if I lived around the area and I told her that I did. I shared that God sent me to Walmart today so that I could specifically pray for her and I believed he could heal her body and comfort her throughout everything that she has gone through. She wasn't able to hear me very well so I prayed again for her hearing and vision.
I hugged it out with Kristen and her mom and prayed again for comfort and favor over them. I spoke with them for a few minutes about how to continue praying against sickness and pain and then I promised to continue praying before we parted ways.