I ran into Stephanie on a late night trip to the pharmacy. She was the only tech working the counter and I'm pretty sure I was the only person in Walgreens. I asked her if I could pray and she immediately started tearing up. She said "Of course you can pray, this is going to make me cry."
I introduced myself after realizing she was holding my prescription that had my first and last name on it. I am never not awkward. I asked if I could pray for something specific and she said she'd like me to pray that her husband receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Seriously Jesus? Yes Stephenie. I will pray for your husband to receive more of what the Lord wants for him. Yes girl.
So we prayed... I blessed her as a wife of noble character, far more valuable than rubies and I asked God to hunt her husband down and call his name until rivers of living water flow out of him.