Man, I feel really bad that I can't remember this lady's name but, it was very different and I'm really bad at names. I approached her at Kroger to ask if I could pray and as soon as she agreed to let me pray, Lorinda walked up behind me and asked if she could get some prayer too. As far as I could tell the two women didn't know each other at all. But, they both needed prayer for healing. Lorinda had a respitory infection and the other lady had some health stuff going on that she wasn't able to share with strangers.
We stood right in the middle of the back of Kroger and prayed together while everyone walked by us. Lorinda was already a believer and was praying with us. She spoke the name of Jesus each time I did and agreed while I was praying. The other lady prayed with us but I wasn't sure if she was a believer so after we finished praying I talked with her a little longer about how I specifically felt led to pray for her and that I had seen her several times in the store and felt the Lord tugging on my heart for her. We talked about how he sees her circumstances and wants so badly to step into them with her if she will only open her heart to let him do that.
Lorinda was there the whole time while I talked so I'm not sure if the other lady felt like she was being ganged up on or if she was just shy but it ended up stopping there and we all went on about our shopping trip. I'm praying that God continues to step into this woman's path and bring personal messages to her.