As you probably already know, I set a goal to pray for one stranger every day. Today, I asked three people if I could pray for them and got rejected every time. That happens sometimes so I just walk away and pray for them silently. :) But, since I don't have a stranger to blog about today I figured I could tell you about the main thing that God has taught me throughout this journey so far.
If you go all the way back to the January 1st post you'll read that I was less than thrilled about stepping out of my comfort zone and praying for strangers. I'm highly introverted and I don't really connect well with people until they get to know me. I've recently finished a class that teaches you how to pray for people by specifically listening to the Holy Spirit and following His direction. After the class I was so moved to take action and when the Lord asked me to pray for one stranger each day, I thought for sure He was going to lead me into a prayer ministry. You know, I'd become one of those people who could pray for someone and cure cancer or raise the dead! Not like a tv personality, but for real. (Check out Robbie Dawkins or Todd White to see what I mean)
I don't know if you do this but... I jump to so many conclusions when God tells me something. I think I know exactly where He is leading and so I am obedient to His leading but I still have my own agenda in mind. Almost every time I finish the task He's given me and realize I was way off (as usual) and instead he taught me something different. Just me? ok then.
Anyway, all of that to say - I thought I was getting into this to become one of those awesome healing full of the Holy Spirit preaching people and instead God has given me such a personal real perspective on prayer that I have never had before. I don't even think someone could have explained prayer to me in the way that I now see it. I mean you can say "Prayer changes things" all you want to. But, until you pray for something every single day and see those prayers answered, it just doesn't quite hit the same.
This hasn't just been something I've learned through praying for one stranger a day. The Lord has me on this crazy journey and praying for strangers is just one tool that he's using to change my prayer life. I'm walking through this impossibly hard season at home and prayer has LITERALLY changed things for me. I have written the prayers down and I can go back and see where I asked for something specific and it happened. Prayer has turned into a place of refuge for me. I go there when I'm weak and broken and sad and hurt so that no one else has to carry the weight of walking me through my problems. I find real answers when I ask for them. I find solutions when I don't ask for them. Sometimes I just sit and cry because Jesus is my safe place. Prayer is how I wage war against my enemies. (Take a moment and check out Psalms 35.) David don't play when he asks God to take somebody out. I love the way he prays because he uses words and phrases like he believes that what he says will move his Father's heart to act for him.
This is the number one thing I have learned through this journey of praying.
My words will move my Father's heart to act for me.
No matter the circumstances. No matter what I'm asking for. Whether or not my requests are inside or outside of His will. The fact that I am communicating with Him will move him to act in my best interest.
Think about your own children for a minute. Let's say they're grown and they've moved away but they're struggling to make ends meet. How can you help them if they don't come to you and ask? And even when they ask for something that you know isn't the best for them, it gives you the opportunity to talk to them about what they're asking for and to help steer their heart toward something else that is better.
When we seek Him on everything, that is just the opening He needs to step in and change the circumstances. It is the asking, it is the praying that makes the difference. Whether that difference is made in my circumstances or in my own intentions is up to Him. Only He knows the best for me.
The number one thing that I have learned by praying for one stranger every day is that MY PRAYERS CHANGE THE ATMOSPHERE BECAUSE GOD HEARS ME AND RESPONDS.
And that changes this entire journey. Because now I am no longer just praying for one stranger every day. I'm changing the life of one person every day. I'm speaking with the Creator of the Universe and
When I pray
He hears me
And Responds.
Y'all hear me?? When I ask God to change the circumstances for some lady at the gas station, it doesn't matter what I am praying for, it doesn't matter whether or not the things I ask for come to pass. Psalms 116 says He inclines his ear to listen. Whether the difference is in the circumstances or in their hearts, my measly little normal, not super spiritual prayers CHANGE SOMETHING.
I challenge you on this. Pick one thing and specifically pray for it for one week. Not like "oh I'm just going to think about it a few times a day and God will count that as prayer." But, really specifically ask God to do something every day for a week and see what happens. Because it's not just me. Your prayers change the atmosphere too and it would be insane for us to have the power to change our circumstances but not use it.