July 22 - Alesha
Day Two Hundred & Two. I've actually met Alesha twice but I'm counting her as a stranger anyway. She mentioned that her sister died two...
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. James 1:22
Day Two Hundred & Two. I've actually met Alesha twice but I'm counting her as a stranger anyway. She mentioned that her sister died two...
Day Two Hundred & One. Today I met Karen in the long line at the gas station. The cashier was new and learning how to ring everything up...
DAY TWO HUNDRED!!!! It seems only fitting that today's milestone would be marked with a wonderful encounter. Hilda and I met and she...
Day One Hundred and Ninety Nine. When I approached Paula about praying she was immediately excited to accept. She said "I'm a believer...
Day One Hundred and Ninety Eight. Lots of rejections today... no big news beyond that.
Day One Hundred and Ninety Seven. Today I had one of those meetings in a government office that you have to wait FOREVER for and then...
Day One Hundred & Ninety Six. Alicia and I met in a waiting room. She told me that her mother has the beginning signs of dementia and...
Day One Hundred & Ninety Five. Today when I approached Darlene in the produce section and asked if I could pray she stopped me and said...
Day One Hundred & Ninety Four. Back in May I met a woman in the Kroger parking lot named Renee. She and I prayed over her son who has...
Day One Hundred & Ninety Three. I stopped by a local store to find someone to pray for and Natasha was way in the back working on a...
Day One Hundred & Ninety Two. Andrea is an employee at a local shop near my house. She was stocking shelves when I asked if I could pray...
Day One Hundred & Ninety One. Akeeba asked if I could pray over her children. She has two kids who are 18 and 19 years old. They're just...
Day One Hundred & Ninety. Cheverly and I met while buying dog food. She was very hesitant to let me pray but eventually agreed after I...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Nine. Danielle was the cashier at one of those grocery store gas stations where the attendant has to sit in that...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Eight. I met Camille in the produce section at Kroger. She was shopping with her daughter.. She asked me to pray...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Seven. As you probably already know, I set a goal to pray for one stranger every day. Today, I asked three...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Six. Barbara was sitting in her car while her husband pumped gas near me. I asked if I could pray and she said...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Five. Jo is a manager at my local Walmart. She asked if I could pray over her relationship with her daughter....
Day One Hundred & Eighty Four. I met a new friend today and she asked to be my stranger for the day. Her oldest child is going into...
Day One Hundred & Eighty Three. Wow!! It’s been SO long since I’ve written here and I’m so sorry for the delay. If I told you the story...